Safety is our number one value. Our employees are trained on a consistent basis to ensure best safe practices are in place and to identify and mitigate any potential risks or jobsite hazards. Internal protocols are routinely reviewed and updated by our risk and safety departments with the latest trainings and procedures to ensure our employees arrive home safely every night. Our employees follow the Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper motto, striving to maintain a zero-harm workplace.
Our corporate office is highly trained to assist those in the field as it relates to our safety protocols. We also pride ourselves with a low incident rate for our industry and acknowledge employees that reflect our company standards.
Safety protocols and prevention are at the forefront of all of our decisions. Disaster protocols are in place as well as evacuation plans that are posted throughout the Wright Service Corp. (WSC) corporate office. These plans include a map of each area of the office with information on the location of AEDs, first aid kits, extinguishers, tornado shelters and assembly area.
Safety Goals
- Security: Incorporate Transcon into Security Awareness Training (SAT) and testing programs through information security in 2023.
- Training: Establish annual tracking of CPR, First Aid, and AED training, and certifications for the WSC headquarters in 2024.
- Security: In 2024, monthly vCISO and executive meetings will be conducted to ensure company goals and controls are met while mitigating cyber security risks.
- Security: In 2024, ensure WSC participation and improvement of 3% or 100 hours of additional security awareness training.
+ Security: Incorporate Impact7G into SAT and testing programs through information security.
+ Safety: Publish quarterly safety materials updates to ensure active and consistent safety communication.
- 2023 Accomplished Goals
- Ongoing Goals
+ New Goals