Incident Rate
Incident Rate
All Wright Service Corp. (WSC) companies track and report incidents. They are tracked by company with goals and milestones established for reduction. These incidents and near misses are reviewed during training sessions to raise awareness and identify preventative actions to continually improve health and safety initiatives.
Our 2023 OSHA Incident Rate was 3.17 across our family of companies.
Incidents are often broken down into the following categories:
- Property Damage
- Auto Liability
- General Liability
- First Aid
- Lost Time
- Restricted Duty
- Medical
- Outage
The WSC family of companies averaged 0.03* claims per employee in 2023.
Days Away/Restricted or Transferred Rate (DART) represents OSHA injuries or illness that results in days away from work, restricted duty, or transfer of duties. The more severe OSHA recordable injuries and illnesses are included in the DART rate which was 0.0 for WSC and 1.80 for WSC and its affiliates for the calendar year.
In response to growing industry recognition of the limitations of the OSHA-required metrics such as Incident Rate and DART Rate, the Risk Compliance team has begun tracking incidents based on the ASTM E2920 standard. This standard serves to identify incidents with more significant outcomes, allowing focus and resources to be directed more strategically.
Aggregated Annual Rates*
*Aggregated with the U.S. presence. These values do not include the family of companies in Canada due to different calculations than OSHA.
Annual Incident Rate
Claims Per Employee
Days Away / Restricted or Transferred Rate