Community Engagement
Our family of companies actively sponsors activities that benefit our employees and add value to the communities where we live and work. Through monetary and in-kind donations such as labor and education, we’re able to support various causes and organizations that align with our values. Over the years, as our company has grown, so has our community outreach. Current giving programs span across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. We take pride in building and developing relationships with our employees, clients and communities.
Community Engagement Goals
- Contribution: Create a Wright Service Corp. Sustainability website to showcase our Corporate Social Responsibility journey.
- Vendors: Implement Supplier Code of Conduct and Supplier Diversity Policy.
- Contributions: Increase total number of company-sponsored volunteer hours utilized by employees.
- Youth Interactions: Create a program to track career fairs attended.
- Youth Interactions: Increase exposure to our family of companies through events such as career expos and presentations at schools.
- Vendors: WSC will track and report diverse spend on vendors and partners for our headquarters to better understand community impact areas and opportunities for investment.
- 2023 Accomplished Goals
- Ongoing Goals
+ New Goals